Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Känn ingen sorg

I've decided to post a post all about Gothenburg. (Not now, but soon) But until then I leave you with this: Länk

Oh Frabjous Day, Calloo, Callay

Here I am, sitting in my basement, with three letters of acceptance. One from Purchase, one from Pratt Institute and one from Parsons The New School of Design. I'm on my way into town to by a box of Gothenburg's finest chocolate, because that is how I celebrate.

WOHO! *munch munch* HELL YEAH! *munch munch*

College. New York. Art college in New York! And not just any art college! Pratt/Parsons! Haven't made up my mind which one yet, but I'll have to come to a decision before the 1st of May. So any one who has anything to say about either of these colleges are more than welcome to post about them.

I have been so wrapped up in this whole college admissions swamp for so long (read: 1 year) that I had actually forgot that gaining admittance to a college actually means attending that college. I wouldn't say I was getting cold feet, but the prospects of leaving Gothenburg -with its sea air and dock-lands, blue skies and old town houses and trams rattling along at all hours of the day- for the Big Apple is making me nervous to say the least.

Why would I ever want to leave such a beatiful place? To leave all my friends and family? Well, let me tell you why.
  • Yes, the sky is blue. The sky is blue five a year, no more no less. The rest of it is steady tone of grey, sloppy, wet, cold and depressing.
  • All of my friends have or will have moved to the UK, the States, Australia and South Africa by the end of this fall. I've spent my entire life in an international school, where kids of international buisness men dump their children for a few years before moving on to some other country. So, my friends are quite the nomads.
  • Seriously... Would you seriously choose this pit of the Earth over New York City? Really, would you.

I don't think so...