Thursday, December 17, 2009

20 Questions Dec 2009

1. Show us something cute.

2. What's the last homecooking you had?




Show us something cute.

3. What do you miss?

4. What makes you laugh often?

5. What's your favorite word?

6. What are you trying to quit?

7. What's your favorite flavor right now?

8. Whose style do you dig?

9. Link to a great blog you've discovered lately...

10. What's the last craft you made?

11. A photo of the last happy mail you got.

12. Something you've got lately?

13. What are you looking forward to?

14. Post a recent snapshot of you.

15. Recent Favorite Movie?

16. Something you're working on right now?

17. If a movie were made about you, who would play you?

18. What gives you goosebumps?

19. Share a new obsession.

20. What's the meaning of your life?

I want, No, Need...


flying home tomorrow, back home for Christmas. Then Varsava, Polen and London, Eng-a-land, and find some time to relax somewhere in between all that. Just found out that I will be stuck in Stockholm for 8 hours though, however there are worse places to be stuck in I guess. Maybe I'll go to Vetekatten, I'd like that...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Couldnt Sleep... Perfect Time Do Get Some Shopping Done!


love these <3

by that that I mean that its a perfect time to get some of that Christmas shopping done (which by means of is now geniusly do-able...speeelliiiing...) but I don't. No, I meant that its a perfect time to do some shopping for me!
These shoes are what at long last gave me enough peace of mind to fall asleep, really, I could not fall asleep until after I had ordered these. "Christilina" from Irregular Choice. My friend from Amsterdam first opened my eyes to these amazing shoes. She wore a pair of pink and blue heeled ones, but I think the black are more what I'm all about. That is to say matching.

The shipping outside of the UK is 40 pounds sterling... yes, ridiculous. So I got them sent to my friend in Glasgow and she's bringing them on over when we're both back in Sweden for the winter break. Now I have two lovely things to great me when I land. Heels and ho, all a girl could ask for.

I am seriously going mad here in NYC though, as much as I am excited about the Rockerfeller Tree and Macy's window display, hot chocolate, ice skating, all of that, what ever, right now I just want to go back to Sweden and meet the family and friends! Only a week left now, only a week.