Monday, July 6, 2009

This would be the worst possible time to have one of those wakes-up-and-realizes-that-it-was-all-a-dream things

Been jumping all over the house today, having general fits of joy. Going to college! Oh my!

Booked the plane tickets today: my hands hav'nt shook this much since that day in Copenhagen, Denmark when I bough that alpaca and wool coat from the 50's with mink fur trimming from that nice old lady who said

"Flickor skaaa va glääädäää. Du fööööör dään fööö hundräääää däääänskääää."
(translation into Swedish and English: Flickor ska vara glada, du får den för hundra danska kr. Girls should be happy, you can have it for $11.)

Oh how I love Copenhagen.

My hands were shaking that day as they are now. I'M GOING I'M GOING I'M GOING! Won't be getting a window seat on the plane though, can't have it all.

Or rather I was über excited until J. rightfully informed me that I'll only be gone for three months. Then its back to Sweden for the winter break... Somehow it felt a lot longer in my mind then three months. Now it almost feels like I'm not getting my moneys worth.

Now I must turn my focus to the important process of choosing what clothes to bring. Now tread carefully S. This is a make or break. Don't want to have to fly back to Sweden cause you forgot that special sweater that's just enough college chick to get you into even the most hostile of college groups.

1 comment:

  1. You're too frail a creature to be let into a hostile college group. You go right along with the Hufflepuffs instead.


    You're a total Ravenclaw. Totally.
